Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Resolutions

New Years Resolutions. When I say that, what do you think? Do you think of all the things from the past you had told yourself you were going to do, or stop, but fell through? Do you laugh and shake your head? Or are you appreciative that you have a whole new year you can wipe the slate clean and start anew?

This year, I am really appreciating the fact I can have a clean slate. I have a few things I want to work on for myself. I would very much love it if you see me breaking any of these, set me straight. ;)

1. NO soda. Period. I am currently drinking one last big mountain dew.

2. Read my scriptures EVERY DAY.

3. Pray every day.

4. Make it to my goal weight. 155lbs

5. Make myself more self confident.

6. I want to be less of a wall flower. Make 5 new friends by the end of 2012.

I know this is a lot, but some of them intertwine with others. I will need some help and work on these, but I know, with the help and support of you all, I can do it.

I have a strong feeling that this year is going to be much different than last year, for everyone. As long as we have friends, family and plenty of love (for EVERY human) 2012 will be a beautiful year. This year, we can jump over any hurtle, climb any mountain and survive any storm. I very much believe this to be true.

Start the year of saying "I can." if you do that every day, you will be set. "I can loose that baby fat..." "I can stop smoking." "I can be the best me, love the ones around me, and I can move mountains." (Those are examples)

Don't you ever say you can't. Everything and anything is possible, if you just have faith. I don't just mean you have to believe in Christ, but if you tell yourself something will work out, you need to believe it, and have the faith that it will. Faith is more that just your religious knowledge of a higher being, or lack there of. It's turning the light on when you go into a dark room. It's turning your car on. It's having faith on others that you can go on a green light without worrying about a red light runner. Faith is much more. and I have faith in all of you, that you can be who ever you want to be, do whatever you want to do with your life and soar above the clouds, above the world and it's "reality". Look into your heart and figure out what really is important to you.

With that said, what are your New Years Resolutions? How can I help you with them or help you keep them?

I think I'm going to go make Chocolate chip cookies now.

<3 Crafty Orange

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