Saturday, December 10, 2011

My Cute Temple Testimony

Living in Arizona, in the phoenix area, one of THE biggest Christ mas traditions, no matter what religion you are, is going to see the Mesa LDS Temple Christmas Lights.
When I was little, we went every year. I remember almost every single visit we took to see the lights. My favorite set was the three wise men. They are placed in front of the Visitor's Center in the big feild of green grass. (Where they also perform the Easter Pageant.)
I can remember every time I was on the temple grounds, whatever was troubling me was lifted off of my shoulders. I felt a peace there I have never felt anywhere else before. Even as a young child, I knew this place was special. And though I knew I couldn’t go into the one big building part of the temple, I wanted to and some how, part of me knew that one day, I would. Now that I look back, almost 1 year after my baptism, I wonder why I hadn’t been more open to the gospel before. But Having had these feelings every year for as long as I can remember, even when I wasn’t a member, just proves to me the amazingness and righteousness of the temple and the trueness of the Gospel.
We went to the temple lights with my missionaries the Monday or Tuesday before my baptism, then I believe the Sunday I was confirmed, and it’s amazing the difference I felt. And so, in July I received my temple recommend and did baptisms, so when I go, the feelings of the temple and the blessings feel so familiar to me. It truly is a beautiful and spiritual place.

When I went with the Missionaries last year, we visited the Cristus Statue and after the presentation, this Hispanic family wheeled grandma up to the statue. She placed her hands on his feet and said "I'm coming home" (In Spanish). The family all surrounded her and they preyed. She knew, you could see it in her eyes, that would be her last Christmas.
The Temple is a beautiful place and even if you are not a member, I invite you to go see the lights at least. They really are a beautiful sight.

I know that the Temple is God's home on Earth and that through the Temple, we can all be with our families again. Families can be together forever, through Heaven'y Father's plan. (Primary song! 10 points!)

So readers, what are your feelings of the Mesa LDS Temple Christmas Lights? What is your favorite part?

I leave this with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

You really should go see the lights. Really.... GO!

<3 Crafty Orange

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