Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The definition of Christmas (Through my eyes)

What is Christmas? Between the pushing and shoving to get the exact toy Jimmy wants, stores stating they have the lowest prices, to the horrible hurry of traffic every day. Why is it that during this time of year we all stress out, freak out and so easily forget what this time of year is really all about.

The reasoning for this Holiday is very simple and basic, so much so that it gets overlooked so easily.

Let's start from the beginning. What IS Christmas? Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. There's no way or reason to dispute that. But it just so happens that several other holidays are places during this month. Yule is one such Holiday that is celebrated by pagans known as Winter Solstice. This is a celebration of the winter season, starting on or about December 21st. Now, when the Romans were trying to press Christianity onto the world as the Roman Empire expanded. The birth of Christ was believed to actually have happened in the spring (if memory serves me correctly.) The Romans ran into so many Pagan people, they put the celebrating of Christ's Birthday closer to the very popular Pagan Holiday.

Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord and savor. It's about asking yourself, reminding yourself, what would Jesus do? It's to reflect on the sacrifice he made for everyone's sins. It's to celebrate the birthday of the most wonderful man the world has ever seen. I read a book to a little boy I babysit the other night and in it is asked "Why do we give presents on Christmas?" At the end of the book it answered that question in the best way I have ever heard. "We give presents because it's Jesus' Birthday."

Most of all, I believe Christmas, no mater what religion you are, is about being more Christlike. Almost everyone know the basic teaching of Jesus and who he was. He was not judgmental, helped others and gave the ultimate sacrifice to people.

This time of year shouldn't be about how much you spent on presents or who throws the best Christmas party, but how you serve others and how to be more Christlike.

***Note*** These are my personal beliefs. So please don't try to argue with me about them. You are not going to change my opinion.

I personally believe if you want to take Christ out of Christmas, then you shouldn't celebrate Christmas. If your faith has another holiday, follow that. If you don't have a religion, find something else about the time of year to celebrate and be joyful for. And I believe if a school celebrates one winter holiday, they should also try teaching and celebrating about the rest.

So, here's my challenge to you. write what you believe Christmas or this time of year is about.

Be Jolly, be Marry, and most importantly, serve others.

<3 Crafty Orange

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