Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Glimpse into the Future

***NOTE*** I started this one last night but had to go to bed because that's what you do when you don't feel good. At least your supposed to.

So, being a 19 year old in my church, mairrage comes up a lot. Weather it be in conversation, lessons, or through friends who are getting married. And as I sit here, typing, I realize just how much this post has to do with the one I posted today.

So, yesterday, I was watching tv at the family I babysit for's house. Just watching commercials and people talk about the holidays and being with family, made me realize, I will have that too. Some day. Not that I want it now. But I sat there, thinking about what my family will be like. Who will host Thanksgiving dinner? Whose house will we go to for Christmas? In thinking, a thought swept across my mind and as fast as it had appeared, it was gone. Who would be the one I would share this with? I told myself, who knows, and went on.

I am truly blessed to have all of the babysitting gigs I have had because it has helped me figure out all of the workings of motherhood instead of just being thrust into it. I don't know everything, but at least I can go through a whole day and feel accomplished. I have to admit, I am worried sick about being a mother, but just following in my mom's footsteps, I don't think I have anything to be worried about. And I know very well, what works for one child, might not for another, but it's a good start. I still worry when I see kids throwing fits in the store and hope my kids are not like that. They will have their moments, but I hope that's all.

And when the years go by, will my eternal companion still be by my side? And will we grow old together?

What does my future look like? Who the heck knows. But I sure as heck want to find out.

So readers, what worries/hopes do you have for the future? And how will you make the best of it?

A toast to the future!

>.< Not that kind of toast!

<3 Crafty Orange

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