Thursday, December 8, 2011

That feeling you get when you realize just how much time has past...

Yeah, totally feeling that today. I was listening to the radio and it was advertising the Phoenix Zoo lights and how they are celebrating 20 years of it. I sat there and thought "oh, that's only one year longer than I am. (6months actually) I sat there and realized, wow, I'm almost 6 months away from hitting the big 2-0. And it really made me think of my life. And of course it doesn't help my little brother has a choir concert tonight. I'm not saying anything bad about the choir, it just reminds me of high school and though it wasn't very long ago, I look back and all I can do is shake my head and smile a little.

High School wan't easy for me in any means, but if I had know then even half of what I knew now, I wonder how it would be different. I'm not regretting anything and I'm not trying to reopen sores, but I'm looking and seeing how I have grown. Even in the last year, I have grown so much. People keep telling me how much I have changed and grown and matured. But it wasn't until now, now that I look back, just how much I have.

I remember during high school I would tell my friends how mature I was and I was often mistaken for an upperclassmen  I look back and laugh. I was mature for my age, but not as mature as I thought I was. And all this time I sit here and reflect, I never regret a single friendship or that test I didn't study for, but I look at it as growth.

When my brothers and I would get into trouble, even true still, my mom would ask us "What have you learned?" And as angry and frustrated as she may have been, in those few words that have stuck in my mind, she taught us the importance of learning and growing stronger for your mistakes. So, when I have children, and they get into trouble, I will ask them, "What did you learn?"

I could sit here all day reflecting on the past out loud on here, but I won't. Why? Because I have a whole big grand live ahead of me. I know me thinking back to the fact that I'm 19, almost 20, and how long and old that makes me feel, I remember, I have at least another 20+ to go. And then, when I'm older, I can look at this post and laugh at myself again saying "How young and crazy I was." I just feel old talking to my little brother's friends "Back when I was in high school..." *facepalm*

So, I leave you with this my bloggy readers, what is your fondest memory of growing up? Feel free to put that in the comment box.

May your years be filled with love, Joy and growth.

<3 Crafty Orange

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