Wednesday, August 10, 2011


The Webster's Dictionary defines "Normal" as

a : according with, constituting, or not deviating from a norm, rule, or principleb : conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern

But who or what is normal anymore? Has the standard of normality changed? Is normality a goal too high to obtain in today's society.

And how different is today's immage of "Normal" and perfect? The "normal" family has a mom, a dad, kids and a pet who all love each other. Kids go to school, Mom cooks and cleans, Dad goes to work and "brings home the baccon". But how many families are actually like that? I guess it's part of the "American Dream." And who are we to decide all of this? Who decided everyone had to be this way? To make people wish they had things or were people they are not. Why as a scociety do we feel we have to put people down because they are not normal. This also goes along with judging people. We have no room to judge people, that is our Heavenly Father's job, not ours. So, why is it that if we don't have the perfect/normal family or have the latest cloths or are the size of a toothpick?

I leave this with you to ponder.

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