Friday, July 4, 2014

One Year of a Life Time

Today I celebrate 1 year with my boyfriend. So, in celebration, I have decided to write the story of our first year together.

We met in May of 2013, online. As most know, we are in a Long Distance Relationship (LDR). There are 2336 miles between us. I had joined a few dating websites, just out of pure curiosity. Every time I think about how we started talking, it makes me smile.

I had come across his profile and was intrigued that he was an EMT and volunteer firefighter. It helped that he was super cute and had a smile that was infectious. I sent him a flirt, but had long forgotten about it. I had one week left of my subscription and decided I would not renew it. I had some fairly creepy guys trying to talk to me. Ewwww! I was watching the little girl I took care of, at the time, when I got a notification. Someone had looked at my profile!

Excited, I went and looked at his profile. I had totally forgotten I had looked at his profile previously. While looking at his profile, I decided to send him a flirt. I went back to the main page and saw that I had received a flirt. It was from him! After a good laugh and a fluttering in my stomach, I decided to send a message.

I remember that night we were talking, I was busy helping make vests for a school version of Aladdin. He gave me his phone number, just before going to bed, this way we wouldn't have to hassle with the website. We talked and got to know each other for over a month before deciding to go out.

Our first date was a bit of a fail. We were trying to play games online, but my computer didn't like being online and running Skype at the same time. Plus, we both had to update our flash players. Story of my life.

Seeing as though my birthday is at the end of July, he sent me a few gifts. The box arrived about a week to a week and a half before my birthday. It drove me bonkers that I would have to wait. I received a bag of M&M's, a stuffed red panda, and a carousel horse necklace. It was more than I could have asked for. Now, what I did for his birthday in September, I couldn't tell you. I don't remember.

In August, I asked him to be my date to my bothers wedding (that December). He said yes. Excitement and nerves filled me for the next four months, knowing that we were going to meet for the first time!

So, December 18th, 2013, he took a long plane ride out to Arizona. It was one of the happiest days of my life to date. My little brother came with and managed to capture the minuets before we saw each other, the happy hug, and our first kiss on my phone. While here, we toured the fire fighter museum. It was like watching a kid in a candy store. Best $10 i have ever spent. I had fun watching him run around and take pictures, but especially enjoyed playing in the kids area together. Being in the bridal party, I didn't get much down time with him, except for in the evenings. We would cuddle on the hideaway bed, watching movies and falling asleep. It was really nice having him at the wedding. The photographer took a few really good shots of us. This one is my favorite one:

The hardest part was leaving the airport without him. When he broke off to go through security, he told me "It's not goodbye, just 'see you later'." It was so hard letting him go back home.

After a few very cold and snowey months, I came out and visited him. My work was closed for a week, so I took the opportunity to see him. This was my first (real) time on an airplane (6months old doesn't count). I was a little nervous, but keeping the end goal in mind helped the flight go by. Plus sleep helped.

It had snowed just days before I had arrived. Amazingly enough, the weather was wonderful for me while I was there. I had a wonderful time. We went shopping for a birthday gift for my nephew, he showed me around where he grew up, his work, his firehouse. I got to meet his parents and grandma, who just opened their arms and hearts to me. I also met some of his friends, who are very much like me, were very friendly, and play rummikub. Next time, I will win the rummikub match, not just the first round! We got to go visit Amish country as well. I was in awe.

Each day is a trial. I miss him every minuet of every day, but I believe every couple has a trial, and this is ours. God brought us together, knowing we needed each other. We both went through things that prep aired us for the day we would first meet. Or text.

He has been an inspiration, a shoulder to cry on, a cheer leader, understanding, and patient.  I love him with all my heart and hope to have many more years and experiences.

I love you sweetheart!
<3 Crafty Orange