Sunday, May 11, 2014

Powerful Women Who Inspire

Today is Mother's Day, a day for all of us to thank our mom's for being awesome and try to give them a "day off". This year, I have thought a lot about the women in my life, all the strong moms who inspire me. This one is for you.

This first mom I met in High School, and I didn't interact with her much then. It wasn't until I converted to the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints that we really started talking. I went through a time that tested my faith. This mom helped me keep my head up and remind me of the path that God has in store for me. Her unshaken faith helped me find mine again. Just like the Mothers of the Stripling Warriors, her faith is a light that shines upon others.

The next mom is a younger mom, yet, she has so much experience. What I admire most about her is that she is a single, working mother of one, and started her own not-for-profit organization to help empower women. This mom encourages me to be or do whatever I want. She inspires me with her commitment to everything that she does, and still sets aside time to spend with her adorable son. When I see her, I see a bit of me, and I can see my potential. I look up to her as an amazing woman, a wonderful mother, and a terrific friend.

I saved the best for last.

I know that the last several years have been absolutely crazy for me and my family. Within the last 7 years my parents divorced, I lost the most important man of my life (at that point), my Grandpa, I was dealing with teenage things, we hit hard times, then my Grandma passed away, and so much more. Yet, through all of this, there was one person who was by my side and put herself aside to help me through it all, and that has been my mom. She is one of the strongest, bravest, and stubborn people I know. I know there have been times that we didn't see eye to eye, and she let me know. Yet, she still supported me and my decisions. I am so worried about being a good mother one day, but if I am half the mother mine is, I'll be alright. She has taught me so many valuable lessons that school just doesn't teach you. One of my favorite things she instilled upon us was the "what did you learn". I know personally, I can often times punish myself mentally for mistakes I make, so, instead of making a huge deal about a mistake we made as kids, mom would ask us "What did you learn?" It would then be followed by "Are you going to do it again?" I have taken this with me throughout my life. When I make a mistake or something doesn't go my way, I ask myself "what did you learn?" Instead of letting a mistake pull you down, learn from it, move on, and don't do it again.

My mom has been a constant companion, through thick and thin with me. She loves me, supports me, and still occasionally takes care of me when sick, not because she HAS TO because she is my mom, but  WANTS TO because she loves me unconditionally. She goes above and beyond the call of duty, for all 3 of us kids. I will never doubt her love for me.  She makes me so proud to be her daughter.

So, all you mothers, soon to be mothers, eventual mothers, and mother-like figures, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!

<3 Crafty Orange