Friday, November 23, 2012

Craft Stick Nativity

'Tis the Season for Crafting! It's been too long since I made a post, but this one, I had to share.

This Monday, I am in charge of the activity for a milti-family FHE. I found this project on Pinterest, but when I went to the page, there were no directions. It's a fairly self-explanitory craft, but I thought I would break down how I did it.
This is the finished product (the first one I did)

Here's what you will need:

  • 6 1/2 -7 Jumbo Crafting sticks
  • Glue *
  • Markers
  • 1/2 Gold tinsel pipe cleaner
*I used Tacky glue and it worked very well you could use Hot glue if you want

**I used Crayola washable markers Blue- Mary Orange-Joseph Yellow-Jesus and the angel I taped white paper because I didn't have a white maker.

Step One:  Take 3-4 of the sticks and cut them in half. It's alright if they are not even, I found it good to make everyone a different size. One of these sets will be the sides of the nativity though. One of the halves, cut fairly short and color with a brown marker, this will later be the manger.

Step Two: Take two of the whole sticks and cross them, one on top of the other, close to one end and glue. Leave enough space on the top for the angel to sit. This will also make the roof less pointed to fir the bottom portion. Then take one whole stick and two of the halves you cut and glue them on the ends. When both parts are dry, glue the small sticks to the roof. There you have your building.

Step Three: Color each person as you wish. When you get to the angel, take your 1/2 gold pipe cleaner and hold one end about halfway at the back, then fold the long part around the front and around to the back. Once it meets the short end, twist it around, like a bread bag tie. After that, bring it up so the long extra is pointing straight from the angel's head. just above the head, bend the wire to one side a few centimeters  then bend it the other direction. Depending how much you have left, you can bend it into the halo or cut it off. Add a dab of glue to the back of the head to immobilize the halo.

Step Four: Glue the cut brown piece in half length wise and glue it to the front to make the manger. Then glue each person in. I glued Mary and Joseph in at an angle so they are looking over him.

Once everything is dry, You have a cute little nativity to share!

This was the second one I made. I hope you all enjoy the holidays and spread happiness.

<3 Crafty Orange